Thank you for the fantastic presentation. No matter how much I think I know, I always learn something new.
Outstanding lecture! So clear and concise. Many thanks!
Best presentation I had ever heard! Wonderful.
Very thoughtful presentation. Hope to share with some of my friends and neighbours on the verge of fall cleanup ritual.
I am passionate about solutions to counteract climate change, biodiversity loss and human mental and physical health issues caused by alienation from nature. I have been studying native plants and their associated fauna, soil and societal norms. Science and traditional Indigenous knowledge offer powerful and often very simple solutions to these daunting problems of our time. I have gained practical knowledge through the experience of converting my garden into a pollinator paradise, sharpening my observation skills and organizing community volunteer work for the CliffcrestButterflyway. We are in a time when positive environmental change gets embraced exponentially. Therefore, I am passionate about fostering admiration through a deeper understanding and connection to our own nature. This spark will often set people on fire or, as the elders say, wake up one's blood memory to reconnect, act and inspire others.
Presentations, Talks or Workshops
One-hour presentation includes an engaging, visually stunning slide show and a question and answer period.
Starting at $300.-
Talks can be more appropriate in an outdoor environment, interactive and part of a hands-on activity.
Starting at $100.-
Presentation including a workshop
For example combined with a seed workshop.
Starting at $300.-
Other available Services:
Fast-track your pollinator garden success and save money by getting some help choosing the right spots, plants, and nurseries.
Ever wondered which microorganisms you have in your compost or your soil? Get some pictures and learn about the microorganisms and their work.
It's fun and easy to grow your garden from seed. Receive seeds and learn to grow native plants successfully to fill your garden.